Friday, September 16, 2011

Leaving Mexico City...

Last week, Mike got word that he is being offered a promotion and we'll be moving near Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. EC is just over the George Washington Bridge from Manhattan. We have yet to see any paperwork, but are told everything is in the works. They want Mike to start working in EC at the end of October.

So, while we have no official word or dates, we are anticipating a crazy end of the year. First, we'll need to repatriate from Mexico City back to Chicago. THEN, we'll begin our relocation to New Jersey. It will be a permanent move.

We are excited and looking forward to moving to the East coast! But, we know it will be a logistical nightmare for the next several months!

As we get more information, I will continue updating the blog!

1 comment:

  1. As sympathetic as I am to your upcoming logistical situation, THAT'S ONLY A FEW HOURS FROM TOBO!
