Tuesday, November 1, 2011

One Week Left in Mexico

Our time in Mexico is coming to a close. We have about one week left until we move back to the U.S. and things are starting to get busy. Utilities have to be cancelled, same with Mike's gym membership, a painter has to come in and paint the unit (which is ridiculous as we have hung nothing on the walls, and the only marks on the walls are from bug guts - as we have had to kill numerous spiders, mosquitoes, etc). We have to get packed up - although we do not have confirmation that the movers will be here on Monday. We have a few more items to sell, but can't get rid of until the last minute (mattress and high chair). We have to get the dog to the vet for her paperwork and blood test. And, Mike has to work until the very end.

I think Mike may be most sad about leaving Mexico, as he has to give up the NFL Sunday Ticket. In our new apartment in New Jersey, satellite dishes are not allowed. So, it will be years until he can have the Sunday Ticket again. So sad!

I am most sad about leaving Annabelle's school. She LOVES her school and is learning so much. She is constantly saying things in Spanish and we are tremendously sad that her Spanish education is going to slow down. Even if we find her a tutor or babysitter that speaks Spanish to her, it will not come close to equaling the twenty hours of Spanish that she speaks a week right now.

And, we don't think Annabelle understands that she is moving (again). She knows that her choo choo trains are in New Jersey, as Mike took some clothes and toys with him on a business trip last week. And, Annabelle knows she is going on an airplane again soon. But, she travels frequently, having been on five round trip flights this year. So, once we get to New Jersey, we think she'll miss her friends and her school. Perhaps she'll even ask to come back to Mexico City, as she knows that is where she lives.

It certainly is sad to think that as Annabelle ages she will not remember her time in Mexico. Our goal is to try and keep her connection with the city, by continuing teaching her Spanish and coming back to visit. But, it would have been nice to live in Mexico City for a few more years, so that Annabelle could have a firm grasp on Spanish and have some great memories!

With a week left, we have a lot of things we still want to do. Some will get done and others will have to wait until we come back for a visit!

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