Monday, March 14, 2011

Sticker Shock in Mexico City

Our new condo in Mexico City is big and beautiful...and unfurnished.

So, Mike and I have begun visiting furniture stores and are in the midst of sticker shock. Everything is SUPER expensive.

In the U.S., the high chair that my parents have costs about $70 USD. In Mexico, that exact high chair costs $2,990 pesos - $249 USD. I couldn't bring myself to buy it.

We went to Liverpool, a department store, that we thought to be lower end. Ha! They had an incredible children's department with a carousel in it. There were dozens of kids and parents playing with all the toys and riding the carousel. Not one of the parents was holding a toy, waiting to buy it, nor was anyone at the cash register! Apparently you just go to Liverpool to window shop and play!

We determined that it will be MUCH cheaper to buy toys in the U.S. and pay an extra $25 for an extra checked back at the airport, than it would be to buy even a single toy at Liverpool or any of the other stores!

Clothes...same thing. We now know why it is common for Mexicans to take a weekend trip to Dallas to shop til they drop!

Unfortunately, we can't bring furniture (muebles) back from the U.S. The only decent couch we have seen has cost over $20,000 pesos (approx. $2,000, if you are dividing by 10 - although for the actual exchange rate, you would want to divide by 12). So, I keep mentioning to Mike, "how about we just sit on the floor, on one of our new $150 rugs from Sam's Club, for the duration of our time in Mexico?". So far...he's not on board with my plan. I may just need to get over my sticker shock...which is hard to do when I know that I won't be able to bring any of our purchases back to the U.S. with us when our time in Mexico is over.

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