Friday, September 16, 2011

Movie Theater Experience in Mexico City

A few nights ago, I went to see "Damas en Guerra" ("Bridesmaids"), at the VIP movie theater in Polanco at Antara, with my friend Tricia. We got to the theater early and bought tickets (cost of $120 pesos or so). Since it is a VIP theater, when you buy your tickets, you pick your seats, which is pretty nice!

Then, we went to Chili's for dinner. Eating at Chili's in Mexico is identical to eating there in the U.S. All the signs on the walls were in English and identical to those in the U.S. The menu was identical, aside from the descriptions written in Spanish.

After dinner, we headed back to the theater and found our seats. The VIP theater has leather seats that are separated into pairs with nice, large armrests. The seats recline, which was awesome! And, there is a call button to get the waiter to stop by to get your order. I almost bought some Ben & Jerry's, but decided I was too full from dinner! Next time!

"Damas en Guerra" ended up being HILARIOUS!! Tricia and I both laughed out loud many times. We were by far the loudest people in the theater, which led us to believe that the jokes weren't translating well via subtitles. The Mexicans in the theater probably thought we were crazy!

We had walked to the theater and planned on taking a taxi home. It's not a far walk, but figured it's safer to take the taxi in the dark. But, when we hopped into the taxi, the driver told us it would be $150 pesos (approx. $15 USD)...which was ridiculous since Tricia and I live on the same street, a block apart, and we were only 6 or so blocks from our street. So, we got out of the taxi and walked home. The walk was fine and only took about 15 minutes.

Needless to say, I enjoyed my first VIP movie experience in Mexico City! Looking forward to going back to seeing "Friends with Benefits" when it comes out!

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