Sunday, June 12, 2011

"Did you ever think I would hand wash your underwear?"

I never thought my husband would say "did you ever think I would hand wash your underwear?" ...Nor did I ever think he would.

However, after 8 days of having a broken washing machine, Mike broke down and hand washed some clothing.

I had offered to do it earlier in the week, but I don't think Mike was confident in my hand washing abilities...which was just fine with me!

So, while I was on baby-wrangling duty, Mike broke out the buckets.

Last Sunday, our washing machine stopped draining. I emailed our building manager Ruth, who replied Monday morning, saying she would tell the other building manager. I emailed Ruth (who is the only one that speaks English) again on Tuesday. Again, she replied. She told me that she manages the building on the outside. She doesn't manage the individual units, but that she would pass along my information.

On Thursday, the "individual units" manager Betty was in the lobby. I flagged her down and tried to tell her that my washing machine was broken. She told me someone would come to look at it "manana". However, a few hours later the maintenance man stopped by. He came to fix something...but it wasn't the washing machine. I think he thought he was supposed to look at my dishwasher. But, he looked at the washer, determined he couldn't do anything, and indicated (in Spanish) that he would talk to Betty.

On Saturday, my maid showed up. She looked at the huge piles of laundry and headed straight to the if I left mounds of laundry for her to do! With my Spanglish, I told her that the washer (lavadora) was broken (no trabaje) and that I wasn't happy (no me gusto!).

Minutes later, she had Betty's phone number in hand and was asking how to work my home phone. A moment later Betty was on the phone and Patricia was on her case!! (Have I mentioned that I adore my maid Patricia?!?!)

After hanging up with Betty, Patricia indicated that Betty wasn't going to do anything and we needed the manual. I pulled out the manual...that was actually written in English...but did not solve our problem, as the hose was not kinked. It is a GE washer and the manual gave us a number for GE...but it was an 800 number.

In Mexico, you cannot dial 1-800 numbers! If you pull out your credit card, on the back, it will give you an international number to call when outside the U.S.

The manual gave us no such number.

But, Betty called back a minute later and said she would send someone out to look at the washer...again. A few hours later, a man showed up and Patricia told him what the problem was. The guy stayed about five minutes and then left.

Patricia indicated that he (or someone) would be back on Monday.

At this point, I am not holding my breath that the washer will be fixed in the next week. But, I am grateful that Patricia will be back next Saturday, in order to get on Betty's case again.

I am also grateful to Mike for his new skill - hand washing laundry!

And, I have realized what a great landlord I am! My tenants get quick responses and repairs! Apparently, the same is not expected or required in Mexico City!

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