Thursday, June 2, 2011

Walmart in Mexico

Thus far, I have been to three Walmart's in Mexico.

By a mile, the nicest Walmart has been in Cabo San Lucas. It was the cleanest and best stocked. And, it felt like we were back in the U.S... which is a pretty rare feeling!

The second nicest Walmart was the one I went to yesterday. I have no idea where in Mexico City it is located. I asked my playgroup friend/neighbor which colony we were in. She then asked her driver, who said a name that I had never heard before, and subsequently forgot.

However, it was pretty nice. A super Walmart with groceries...a large selection of produce and meat! They had a nice toy section, where I found some birthday gifts for Annabelle. They also had a large personal care selection...lots of shampoos, conditioners, razors, etc. You may be thinking "why is that a big deal?" Trust me, in Mexico, it is!! A large selection of anything is extremely rare.

For Annabelle's school, I need to get a 14 liter tupperware container. At Walmart, I came close, finding 12 L and 19 L containers. I bought one of each and need to email the director of Annabelle's school to find out which she would prefer I bring in.

At Soriana and Superama, the local grocery stores, I did not come anywhere close to a 14 L container.

So, if I can find out where I was yesterday, and figure out how to get back, I'll be taking Mike and Annabelle with me to Walmart again soon!

It may be time to invest in a GPS...

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