Sunday, May 22, 2011

Mexico City to Cabo via Interjet

We just got back from a long weekend in Cabo.

We flew Interjet, which is Mexico's version of Southwest.

When we arrived at the Mexico City airport to leave, we were pleasantly surprised to find out that Terminal 1, where Interjet is located, is SOOOO much nicer than the terminal (3??) where American Airlines is located!!

At the American Airlines terminal, there is NOTHING. A few duty free shops, but very little food.

In terminal 1, there was a McDonalds, two Starbucks, a large 7-11, among many other places! So, that was nice!!

Also, Interjet was fully staffed, so check-in was a breeze (typically not the case with AA).

The only issue we had was that while the flight was not full, we were not allowed to keep Annabelle's car seat with us. There was plenty of room, but the Interjet attendant taking our stroller was adament that we could not keep our car seat...and he took it out of my hands.

Another couple was traveling with their 2-3 month old baby and they too were not allowed to take on their car seat.

I found this RIDICULOUS, as if the plane were to hit a rough patch of air, or even crash, the kids would be MUCH safer in their car seats. Having flown many, many times with Annabelle on Southwest and AA, if there is room, she is always better off in the car seat...and better behaved in it.

So, that was my only complaint. ...Although I could remark on how bad the descent was. Despite taking sinus medication, Mike's head started bothering him, and Annie and I kept having to pop our ears...which we never have to do on Southwest or AA.

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