Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Get Togethers in Mexico City

This past Saturday night, Mike invited his employees, boss and their families over.

We spent all morning and afternoon preparing for the get together. Annabelle had woken up, throwing up on herself, but was bouncing off the wall an hour later. I attributed her throwing up to getting her molars.

Nevertheless, we kept Annabelle home all day, which meant Mike had to run to four different grocery stores, acquiring the necessary food, beverages, and cookware. Meanwhile, I spent the morning cleaning as my maid didn't show up for the second week in a row! (I tell myself that she's fired, although it looks like she quit! No hard feelings, because, if I am honest, I would smile at her and say "hola" should she show up this Saturday!).

So, by the time guests arrived at 6 pm, Mike and I were a bit tired.

We dressed in our regular attire...same thing we would wear to a get together in the U.S. Mike in a t-shirt and jeans, myself in a tank top and jeans.

Weren't we surprised when the first guests showed up in a suit and cocktail dress!! The next guests showed up dressed similarly. In the end, three of the other guys wore jeans and nice shirts. Mike said "should we change?" I said "no, we look like who we are...grungy Americans". And, the guests looked like who they are...sophisticated Mexicans (and Argentinians)!

But, you better believe that if we get invited to someone else's house (non-playgroup people, because they dress similarly to me!), I'll be thinking twice about wearing my normal U.S. attire!
Perhaps I should take note and acquire some of the fancy clothing that hangs in all the storefronts within two-ten blocks of my condo!!

While I am acquiring said clothing, I should also work on rain boots and a rain coat, as rainy season is not letting up! ...I did finally break down and buy an umbrella today ($98 pesos at Superama)... hopefully I will remember to leave the house with it!

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