Friday, April 29, 2011

Flooded Parking Garage Update

I spoke to a neighbor yesterday, who told me what happened to our building while we were in the U.S.

Apparently, we had torrential downpour, even a bit of hail, and the water settled in the underground parking garage...and didn't drain.

She said the power was out for several days, along with the gas and water. They lasted for a few days, then checked into a hotel for a few more days.

She has also been told that our building was the only one in Polanco with a flooded parking garage. Perhaps the engineers here have some work to do! Almost everyone has an underground garage...but no one else's Honda CRV had soaking wet floors and had to go in the shop!

There is a clear watermark on the walls of the garage, showing that the water was standing over three feet high.

Next time we go away, we'll be leaving our car key with a neighbor!

Still not sure who pays for the repairs to the car... my husband's company, as it is their car? Or, is the building negligent due to the fact that the draining system failed?

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