Monday, April 4, 2011

Safety in Mexico City

Before coming to Mexico, we did a lot of research on the safety in Mexico. After spending some time in Mexico City, we felt cautious, but confident in our decision to take the assignment here.

After living in Mexico City for the past three weeks, we feel very comfortable here and very safe. We feel as safe in Mexico City, as we do in the U.S.

Originally we thought, we'll be fine as long as we don't leave the house after dark, and don't venture far from our condo.

Now, we don't think twice about leaving after dark, nor do we feel insecure anywhere in Polanco.

Granted Polanco is one of the nicest parts of Mexico City.

Every condo/apartment building has 24/7 security. Every store has security guards. And, every restaurant has valet parking attendants galore! Additionally, the "policia" are very visible.

There are people everywhere, at all hours of the day. I feel very comfortable every time I leave my building, whether it is with or without Mike. Annie and I leave daily, strolling to the park, the store, a playgroup...or our favorite place...Yogurtland!

Granted, there is still petty crime, as in every city. So, I don't flash my iPhone around while walking, nor do I leave the diaper bag and my credit card unattended. But, I feel like if something does eventually get stolen, it's probably going to be my fault for not paying attention.

We have talked to one of our neighbors. The wife is Italian. She says that Mexico City is just like Naples, Italy and she feels right at home, with the great food and great people! Meanwhile, Mike and I have been comparing the feel of Mexico City to Miami, where you can get out and walk, as we do constantly on weekends and weeknights!

At this time, we are hoping our assignment gets extended!

And, we encourage everyone we know to think positively of Mexico and to visit long as you stay away from the drug wars and the border cities that are plagued with drug war violence!

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